Monday, March 2, 2009

HA! there is a now

A classic - The Origin of "I put on my Robe and Wizard Hat"

<bloodninja> Baby, I been havin a tough night so treat me nice aight?
<britneyspears14> Aight.
<bloodninja> Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.
<britneyspears14> I slip out of my pants, just for you, bloodninja.
<bloodninja> Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat.
<britneyspears14> Oh, I like to play dress up.
<bloodninja> Me too baby.
<britneyspears14> I kiss you softly on your chest.
<bloodninja> I cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman.
<britneyspears14> Hey...
<bloodninja> I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 chicken of the Infinite.
<britneyspears14> Funny I still don't see it.
<bloodninja> I spend my mana reserves to cast Mighty F*ck of the Beyondness.
<britneyspears14> You are the worst cyber partner ever. This is ridiculous.
<bloodninja> Don't f*ck with me bitch, I'm the mightiest sorcerer of the lands.
<bloodninja> I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl. 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl. 2 Druid.
<britneyspears14> Don't ever message me again you piece of ****.
<bloodninja> Robots are trying to drill my brain but my lightning shield inflicts DOA attack, leaving the robots as flaming piles of metal.
<bloodninja> King Arthur congratulates me for destroying Dr. Robotnik's evil army of Robot Socialist Republics. The cold war ends. Reagan steals my accomplishments and makes like it was cause of him.
<bloodninja> You still there baby? I think it's getting hard now.
<bloodninja> Baby?

check out the crap site for more hilarity


blank post, no reason, just a blank post

you could expect there would be some sort of problem with a tricycle truck...

Some Say its good, I say it still sux

Care of

truck fro

not shrooms... you put your WEED in there

umm, fire sms's?

Fire SMS's

Also please see i just got sms from victoria police


Pice Cubes


Bender's Mum and Dad lifting a car

PSU fan powered

someone broke the seal

Slow Motion Magnets

Click here for slower frame rate videos

talk about your compression sesson

also... something funny

tanks dont need rails (+ doing it wrong)

would have been cool to see this happen

I just got an SMS from Victoria Police

"Extreme Weather in Vic expected Mon Night & Tues. High wind & fire risk. Listen to Local ABC Radio for emergency updates. Do not reply to tis msg"

I guess they are taking this shit seriously now...

Anyone else get a msg?


sorry, it must have been that bean i ate

i think theres also a car in this photo

ultra frisbee

either thats a very bad paint job or this guy has made a car out of hash (for smuggling purposes)

mobile speed camera

talk about rapid response...

not the best place to put on snow tyres

if indianna jones drove a car

it shouldnt bend that way

run motherfucker, run

flying trucks are a danger to our skies

it should be routed, turn off bridge mode

do not overtake turning vehicle

its like throwing your shoes over the powerlines but funnier

the car shaped peg goes in the car shaped hole

go go gadget ... something

the architect forgot to carry the 1

sink up, stupid


what happens when the weather man takes acid

a giant "laser"

that cloud looks like a table or a sheep or something with legs

pigs on a wing

sploosh (aka moat fail)

holy... shweet

ready for a rotating double back flip?

dont you hate pants

some kind of giant bendy straw

mountain cozy

i think it says canal

Bloggy is on a Rant: Copyright Violation

So, something about all this copyright crap has really been bothering me as of late.

About three weeks ago I heard an Australian Minister for communications talking about how Australia needs to adopt a similar policy to France and New Zealand when it comes to copyright violation. He said, their three strike and your out policy (where three unsubstantiated claims that copyright had been violated results in the user being disconnected from the internet for a set period), was a great policy, and one that should be adopted by Australia.

Then you've got Steven Conroy, the Minister for Broadband communications implementing, what has been dubbed The Great Australian Firewall. Now I am not going to go into all the issues of such a program, or the many many MANY ways it can be circumvented, needless to say, its a REALLY BAD IDEA, that will punish EVERYONE BUT the intended target.

My question is, WHO THE HELL IS ADVISING THESE DUMB-ASS POLITICIANS, ON TECHNOLOGY THEY NO NOTHING ABOUT!?!?! Seriously, these guys don't know shit about shit, so someone has got to be telling them. And whom ever they are should be Named and Shamed!!

The three strike policy is a great policy you say?? Let me explain why its being pushed forward, then allow me to demonstrate JUST HOW BAD a policy it is.

You see, a lot of people are finding it very easy to find copyright material such as Movies, TV Shows, and Music, in a digital format on the internet. The Makers of the material, are finding that they are not making as much money as they would like to, even though more and more people are seeing their work. They blame this copyright infringement squarely on THEIR AUDIENCE! As opposed to giving THEM money, their audience goes out and buys a DVD for $3, or downloads the movie, tv show, or music for free. FREE, Damn it! How dare they? do you know how much time effort and money was spend developing that piece of crap? They want their GODDAMN MONEY for it.

And that's fair. If you work on something, you should be entitled to be paid for it. But, there now exists a way for everyone connected to the internet, to effectively get a copy of anything they want, without paying for it. So, in order to stop all these viewers watching and listening to their shit, without paying for it, the large Record companies and movie studios have pressured senators to implement this policy.

"So what" you say, thats a good thing right? WRONG!

Allow me to Demonstrate how BAD AN IDEA it is.


If I sent that letter 3 times to the corresponding ISP, then the person at the end of that IP Address would be cut off from the internet. Who is at that IP Address? I don't know. What did they do? I have no idea, I have no affiliation with the person or persons involved at that address, and have no record of anything they have done. BUT because of my emails, they will loose their internet.


Now the problem lies with the legality of obtaining the IP Address. You see, the only way to do it is to engage in the "illegal" practice yourself, to determine the IP Addresses of others. So the system is flawed from the beginning.

So, how do you stop it? What should these companies do?

Well, we know that people can always (and probably - will always) be able to download content for free. But, this process is long, difficult, problematic, and at times unreliable. You never know what your getting until you have got it. Sometimes it can take a day or two (or maybe a few weeks...) , and for the novice internet user, its hard to find.

So why not pay the money to the companies? 3 main reasons, that need to be dealt with before the problem will be less of an impact.

#1 - Availability

If there is a piece of content I want to view, that is available in one country, but not MY country, what am I to do? Maybe I want to take part in a forum about the content, but can't because I have NO WAY of legally watching it. Now I know I can get it illegally, and then all my problems will be solved. I would like to pay for it, but there is just no way to do it.

And, if I am in a situation where I can view it, sometimes its very unreliable. I sit there clicking refresh, trying to get the thing to load, and figure FUCK IT, I will just download it, so I can see it already.

SOLUTION: Make your content available to EVERYONE at the same time, with a GOOD SOLID SERVICE

#2 - DIgital Rights Management

If I am going to pay for a piece of content, like a movie, I want to be able to play it on My computer, and My server, and My phone, and My Dads Computer, and My WORK computer, and the computer round at my friends house. I want to be able to play it when I want, How I want, on ANYTHING I FUCKING WANT. I don't want to pay for something, only to find out, I can't watch it somewhere else. FUCK THAT, if that's the option, then Why don't I just download it DRM free, and then I have the flexibility to view it HOW, WHERE AND WHEN I WANT TO!!!

SOLUTION: Make your content in a universal format that can be viewed by anything, and transfered to anything - DRM FREE!!

#3 - COST!!!

I am browsing through some content to view, and I see a Movie I want (for example). I figure, I want a copy of that movie, so I can watch it and any time in the future. Hey look, there is a series of Movies I want to have a copy of. What's this? 5 movies is gonna cost me $100?!?!?!? Are you FUCKING SERIOUS? I am not going to pay that, I will just download them. I don't have all that money.

One of the biggest reasons people illegally download content is because it doesn't cost anything except time. People like their time, and would be happy to pay someone, if it wasn't a lot of money for their time back. So, the solution is quite simple. make it cheaper.

A digital copy of content doesn't cost the distributor anything (outside of their static setup and hosting charges). So, if it doesn't cost them any MORE money to give me a copy of the content, then why should I have to pay SO DAMN MUCH???? You Greedy FUCKERS!!

SOLUTION: Movies - $1, TV Shows and Music $0.10, Games - $3

Think about it - if the Content is really that cheap and its available to EVERYONE, from a consistent source, and completely DRM-Free, Everyone would be much happier. The only people that are going to get a copy of your shit for free, are the people who would never give you a dime in the first place. and FUCK THEM!!

"vcr monsters love marshmellows"

has anybody seen top gear russia yet?

*(these cars are not on the show but are cool and russiany)

this couch is not appropriate and has been censored

yeah, the internet is boring today