Tuesday, March 10, 2009



eh, hem. Robots.

Mario Rescues the Princess - Seth MacFarlane

Destroying the Earth with Nano-tech

A step-by-step guide.

greatest call

i spoke to a customer today who wanted to put a security question on his account:
customer: make the question "what is my all time favourite rock band"
me: we cant put that, thats just led zeppelin, thats to obvoius
customer: fair enough...
me: we also cant accept pink floyd

connex expecs delays due to the bus not being a train

what the crappety crap is this

looks cool but

long exposure plane landing coolness

they say painting this road blue was "in memorium of an actual river that once flowed trough it’s location"

i think its to fuck with people on google maps

theres a bear in there

much shyneeer than the old magna

OLEDS for everyone

if i got an imac, i would want it to look like this while im using it

- did somebody say "replacement perspex cover plate?"

cool, bmw can make cool looking pc cases apparently


Antiques Roadshow 2550

southpark in HD

because you wouldnt want to miss the detail in the cardboard that they used for cartmans hat

the one for porn is much worse

circuit city

HAHA in NSW train timetables are copyrighed and cannot be replicated for iphone apps

sweet, we can buy this soon, apparently