Monday, February 23, 2009

Beached Whale (had to!)

This wouldn't be Bloggy's Blog if it didn't have a line to Beached Whale.

Do you hev any Plenkton??

Bloggy Blog Now has a free Hit Counter

37 hits and Counting!

got any spare change man...

you put your weed in there

Tesla Coils make for expensive but AWESOME Speakers

This installment of Dr. Who brought to you by Arc Attack

this camera would work well with those new loar batteries*

if only it were a camera, and those batteries werent D cells

why was it not obvious to everybody that this was fake you must be thinking, ok so apple didnt put firewire on the new $2000 laptop, but theyre putting FW800 on a machine that'll cost under a grand

new rule: everything thould have analogue gauges

holy crap on a stick

Lightning Balls - The next weapon of choice

So thats What Lightning balls are. Now imagine them being a foot wide, and fired at 200 mph. A scientist called Dr. Paul Koloc created the device, which he called a "Phased Hyper-Acceleration for Shock, EMP, and Radiation" or a PHASER!

Interesting read..

Chewbacca is stuck in my door!

Bloggy Blog is now the 2347th Warmest Place on Earth!

Its Official folks!!

Bloggy Blog is now the 2347th Warmest place on earth!!

SUCK IT Trevor!!!

Windows 8 preview

*commodore branding to be removed on release

OK, now im gonna cry

fully sick bodykit

lowest profile tyres ever

why cant connext do this, eh...

new kind of snow tyres

doing it wrong

even crash test dummies are scared of russian build quality

Class Ancelled

best shopping cart ever

Somebody should paint the bottom of their pool like this

the splits (car style)

hole in 1

insane discoveries that science cant explain

The evolution of shit no one cares about

Pixel art in actual devices is cool...

In Japan they have some TP that lists the windows vista feature set (apparently)

this is how windows should be advertised...

Nice watch, youre arm would get hot though

pretty colours

This is just fucking great

Yes this is real... and its comming right for us!

Hot diggity Daffodill

5 hrs later... "i cant find the start menu"

Turns out it was a mac and they were using an xray machine to loook for the start menu...

ok, i know this is soap, but how good would a gummy nintendo controller be

Id like to see this version of Terminator 4

you want a chup?

brazil rocks

TV/Fire washing mashine

Atlantis found

Ok, so ive been reading that someone thinks theyve found atlantis on google maps, except its the wrong shape, etc. infact the only things it has in common with atlantis is that its neer where atlantis should be and its under water... I think its the geelong of atlantis... follow the v-line tracks and youll find atlantis

Monday Movie Review

Todays movie is the curious case of benjamin button.

it was sooooooo long.

That is all