Tuesday, March 24, 2009

can they only drive together?


i like how it says "fire exit in constant use"

Must be the head office of Arsonist, Inc. or something

where do i stand for a HJ

no! not a fine

no no, the other right

maybe they just mean no democrats

billboard dialogue

i think its time to reclassify that system call

i learned to corner on a motorbike

upside: steal the tv screen and youre nicked

interesting choice of flavors

missing comma

oh dear god*

* god is a figure of speech, god or gods do or dont exist

making the homeless easier to ignore 1 step at a time

feminism fail



all the vehicles used in the cleanup after chernobyl

had to be dumnped because they were/are radio active

thems a lot of tyres

dont take acid before visiting this house

or do, after all, it would be funnier that way

you put your weed in there

you dont want to install an aftermarket spoiler on this car

this fail originally posted for bad webdesign...

I prefer the bit at the bottom that says: "welcome to the north korea friendship association" not exactly a fail, but funny none the less.

better out the nose than in

intel invents the penny

27x more processing power than a dime, almost as small as a normal processor

apparently there are rumors of apple realeasing a $99 netb**k this year

WHY would you do this to me rumor people, now i cant buy a macmini till they dont release it

you sort of expect a russian ebook reader to just be made out of paper...

choice wine cellar

so true

is it just me or does that woman serving the risotto look like Condalisa Rice

(no pun intended)

The Colorado Oil and Gas Commission has no idea...

...why there is gas leaking into this houses water pipes. resulting in their tap water being flammable.

"things that would be funny to throw out of a 3rd story window"?

i aprove

"MIT dreams of fully autonomous greenhouse"

I hate to break it to you guys, but trees managed for millions of years all on their own...

most churches are only figuratively built on the bones of their followers

yes, ok. you look cool and all... but youre still only 1.2MHz

on the rocks

"They come in packs of 10 and cost US$23."
this is really real... although to be fair, its the only way Mr Bond would not end up watering down his martini by shaking it

For all you Norm MacDonald viewing needs


hard rubbish collection day

terminator, the xbox 360 chronicles

women: the automotive industry doesnt think much of you

seat's concept design. winner of a "female themed design" competition

