Sunday, April 26, 2009

the spare key is WHERE?

conductive ink

argh so many more usefull uses than this

apple: make me this... bitches

insert caption here

how to loose your wallet

step 1. have this wallet:

step 2. goto the post office

thats one way of cooling

somebodys been watching Idiocracy

iphone 3.0 breaks skype, 3mobile to offer free skype usage... coincidence?

remeber that time i was 3d and it was shcool photo day

free drinks if youre willing to stick your face near peoples arses

such a good idea

leaking shoe

nice high-speed shot


paper jam in slot 2

i agree

optical means you dont have to clean the ball

this guys pissed...

sick of monday-friday planes?


quote from the guy in the office: "i wish i didnt know what a fleshlight is"

i saw a squirel,..... it was going like this...

who doesnt like flowcharts

benches at Shenzhen Metro station

typo/ high fibre batteries

i was playing with a Gphone the other day...

Why, apple... why cant you let me have more than 9 screens..
148 apps are not enough... now that 1000000000 have been downloaded this should be obvious. if android can do it... bloody do it... i have well over 200 apps on iTunes. why cant i have them all on the phone... its not like i dont have 2gb free...
3.0 better sort this

haha, aparently MS surface cant be setup without a kb/mouse.. go microsoft

from engadget

i like this cartoon

songs remixed into windows dialogue boxes...

i dont even know most of these songs