Sunday, April 4, 2010

yeah, but all religions are pretty much the same

(how many amalekites have been slaughtered by satanists? im willing to wager its less than all)

you maniacs, you blew it up, damn you damn you all to hell

yeah, i cant read that either, so. wanna make something of it

more wt fuck

WT fuck

very cool, but a little self defieting


the name crack berry is not a suggestion for where to store it

baby rape facillitator of the year:

thats putting it lightly

thats just awesome.......... fully. still, bit of an understatement

spare tyre fail

so obvious i cant believe it hasnt been done before, or that anybody cares

religions idea of free will

pretty well scaled, you wouldnt necessarily know if that guy wasnt there

pretty creative if nothing else

ok, this ones not bad

not exactly comfortable

none of that

nice and simple

new rule, more ethernet

money well spent

mitch related internet funny stuff on the rise, prepare for the 2nd comming of the hedburg, all will be judged

mitch hedburg says to hell with purple people

meta wheaton

mary magdalin was such a beard

kinda funny, color dongs and all

im bender baby, please insert liquor

dont work so well in aus

dark side of the yeung

jim carey, you hillarious bastard. bet you steven thought that was funny

clever, not that it would even remotely work, kids are way to dumb

amazing photo


very interesting

and if we expand on this a little, it kinda makes sense why people who use bluetooth headsets tend to act like assholes.

cooler than youd expect

Artists renditions of kids drawings