Thursday, April 23, 2009

New GI Joe episodes

Haw YEAH! other eps Here

Kids giving you trouble? Sedate them with the Pedisedate

PediSedate is a medical device consisting of a colorful, toy-like headset that connects to a game component such as the Nintendo Game Boy system or a portable CD player. Once the child places it on his or her head and swings the snorkel down from its resting place atop the head, PediSedate transparently monitors respiratory function and distributes nitrous oxide, an anesthetic gas. The child comfortably becomes sedated while playing with a Nintendo Game Boy system or listening to music. This dramatically improves the hospital or dental experience for the child, parents and healthcare providers.


Stand By Me Played around the world

From what I can tell,not a single instrument was played anywhere near each other. Impressive editing

Said it before, and I'll say it again - Stop Motion is awesome

windows: business as usual

robbin win

less than a second from fail

64 things Every Geek should know

I know I have put up a few lists before, but this contains some useful information

you know those guitars that are like... dodecatouple guitars?


In their patent case (CSIRO developed the 802.11 framework in 1996) they were claiming damages (and are getting compensation) from small companies like Hewlett-Packard, Asus, Intel, Dell, Toshiba, Netgear, D-Link, Belkin, SMC, Accton, 3Com, Buffalo, Microsoft and Nintendo.

And where is the Money Going?

"We are going to reinvest the proceeds into further research." said Mike Whelan, the deputy chief executive, operations. FUCKIN' AWESOME!!

1 Kpost

1024 posts, that 10 bits of posts... cash money!


is this tech support? the copier wont work...

cool invention, super useful...

stop the guitars from getting dusty too

best movie character of 2008/09

insectasaurus rules