Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week of the week:

This weeks "Week of the Week" is


(Sorry this is so weak!)

Geographic location of the week:

View Larger Map

Terra- Atlantis!

Quotes of the week:

"no comment"

Dr Marin Luther King

Sarah Palin:
"I cut myself on the screen door again"

This Blog is proudly brought to you by our corporate sponsors:


You like cheese...
Eat it

Reviewers corner

This week in Reviewers corner we will be reviewing the Star Wars septilogy, AOL Internet and Windows 7 Beta.

Star Wars:
Its shit innit.

Its shit innit.

Windows 7 Beta:
Its shit innit.

Last weeks winners

'javascript error'
The object contained errors and could not be loaded.

This weeks competition

Today we are giving away 10 chances to win absolutely nothing. If you would like to enter the draw to win absolutely nothing, please forward you one time entry fee of $37.95 to locked back #7 in your capital city...
also, you're an idiot.

Stay tunes for details on next weeks draw.

Competition winners will be posted, um... i dont know in like the newspaper or something...

You know what, if you think you may have won, let us know... send an SMS containing the words "i win" to 1903 775 231 or email and when you recieve your confirmation bounce message... fuck it right off and go back to what you are doing...

It's Great. It's Crack. It Gets You Really High.

HA, i was gonna put the retarded tom cruise monologue here and the jerry oconnell parody... but this is even better

3d stuff is cool

Walken Family Reunion (Embedding disabled by request...tossers)

Mad TV on E

Sean Cullen's Humiliation Dinners

gotta have some mitch hedburg... dont even know which one this is

Other hypno things

hypno prarie dog:




Hypno Maki:

Hypno egg: (yeah i think im done)

the weed report (all eps)

All glory to the Hypnotoad

SNL: MacGruber

if microsoft made the ipod

interactive map of springfield

the second best blog

seth comedy shorts

for those of us with iphones who like free shit

Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis; Jon Hamm

the maria bamford show, not realy a show... really funny though

the best talk show ever... ever! between two ferns

start here and keep watching - fiat empire

some new eps of QI

mr show episodes

that mitchell and webb look