Tuesday, May 5, 2009


im sorry, i cant spare a square

some people have everything

heres that guitar again, lets hope it works this time

cool mod

it also keep tigers away

wind turbine assembly


28 rings to rule them all

On board Emirates A380 (41 pics)


India discovering "skittles" brand cocaine

DIY McLaren F1

I bet theres no gold plated ceramic engine here...
link for pics


choice hotrod

swine flu, you know... for kids

not thirsty anymore

retro awesomeness


Design student Sara Watson turned her old beater of a car invisible in a mere three weeks, and it didn't even cost her that much. Of course, she can't drive it now, and it's only invisible from a certain angle, but still.

The whole thing was done with paint, creating a seriously impressive illusion. The car is now being used as advertising for the local recycling firm that donated the Skoda Fabia to Watson for the project.