Sunday, July 5, 2009

diy electric toothbrush

keywords: "do it yourself"

name win (fail if its a girl)

equal work for equal pay - racism fail

these tacos taste terrible

omicron persei 8 or bust

you skipped a step microsoft

you skipped the rip it off and rename it bit

mmm, baco'

double fail

1. "happening now" dont call the news WHILE youre being attacked by a bear
2. Dont beat off a bear, or it will attack you

cool flooring

out the nose, helmet style

just stupid funny

fake eggs

the chinese can make a fake egg that is almost perfect

great view

dont you wish you had a microsoft car... it has a steering wheel

MS once again selling their products based on "it can do what everything else can do" or "we are the only ones who do what everyone else does"