Friday, April 17, 2009


80s style gone mad

if phone used the can/string method, this is what exchanges would look like

symian OS ported for atom powered netbooks

(dont you just want to kill yourself)

the cubes from the cube movie being delivered

i wonder what they meant:

"Keep out of children"

Saturn’s rings - temperature / false color

This is a PHONE?!?!?

Apparently this "Phone" has a Kinetic flexible OLED screen, so folding it and un-folding it charges the battery.


check out the link here

Snatch Wars (not that kind you dirty pervert!)

nice google earth shot (trenching in progress)

the 32nd flavour

C is for...

these are brilliant

old, but great

slogan win

"dont just give them the finger... ill show you.."

so thats where fosters comes from