Sunday, April 5, 2009

and ill end on this... its just to great

and this one should go on GPS units

somebody should make copies of this sign

and put them on random things, like trains, postboxes, soft drink cans, TVs, etc...

"i saw a squirrel... it was going like this..."


Look Guys...

Either everything is an "act of god" or nothing is... think about it

great lamp idea, probably best done w/ OLEDs

the word cool is a little over used... but... seriously...


fire, hdr, so cool

Warning: fire rainbow does not contain fire or rain, or james taylor

i like this: go texas

...state budget includes a rider which expressly forbids Texas’ government agencies from upgrading to Microsoft Corp.’s Windows Vista without written consent of the legislature...

Although, given their more recent decision on creationism in public schools, its kinda a wash.

wastefullness is cool again (bastards)


dont panic, 2 examples of people not...

Terror Alert has been raised from Beige to Mauve

bacon icecream, a new defenition for wrong

a swarm of people (24hrs of world air traffic)