Sunday, July 19, 2009

pretty, animated aurora

and this is supposed to be the virgin mary

you say virgin mary, i say giant glowing cock

try a little harder next time christianity(no pun intended)

omg, its the virgin mary or jesus or an asshole

- "In November 2006, photographer and artist Jessica White's dog, called Angus MacDougall, had Jesus appearing on his... well, bottom. The dog is a very cute three-year-old terrier mix. The image of Jesus can be "clearly" seen in the fur surrounding his anus."

very sexy cameltoe

when drunk people accidentally do yoga


for those to posh to rub cheetos on their face

arse photocopier seat, not to be confused with toilet recliner

proof there was a moonlanding?

for those of us who though video footage was enough, this is irrelevant. for the rest, time to start a conspiracy group named "they never really sent an orbiter to the moon, the images are fake"

and btw, elvis and michael jackson arent dead, they were abducted by aliens

i walk along the avenue, i never thought id meet a girl like yoohoo...

incase you didnt get it I ran - Flock of seagulls

concept contact lenses

more futurama merchandise: leela's aviators

hmm, this would have been a much better pic for that futurama post

half way between usefull and interesting (p.s. blatant attempt at more google hits: boobs)

futurama (the movies) action figure

heres a link for all you out there, im at work so i havent watched it

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could look even more like a giant line of coke if it wasnt yellow

if bart was real, he'd be a freak


"... will have aged gracefully..."

still, you gotta feel bad for the guy

ikea 2 for 1 sale

bogan jaccuzi

aka. home made soylent green

no flushing while door is closed

diesel submarines: the original hybrids

not such a new or original idea eh


apparently, the new futurama series comming next year may not have lamar, west or peg bundy... or maybe theyre just trying to trick them into accepting less money.

dont worry, this image has nothing to do with it... i surely hope we dont have to deal with how bad a real life futurama would be

oh sweet, cigarette lighter phone, i probably would use that more than a camera

and finally, for todays inapprobriate streetview boobs

aka "traffic magnet in more ways than one"

"i wonder what i can do today to get pictures of myslef all over the internet"

no dildos though

homie boobs, simposons dildo, hobo robot, michael jacksons iphone

so ive had a look at the break down and this should be the most popular post yet

and heres a picture, just to add to the complete lack of context