Monday, April 12, 2010

this is how i put on my lipstick clarice...

easter dalek

remeber that end scene from terminator 2?

think quick

impressive, snapped that bike right in half (left)

asskickingly kickass LED pocketwatch

so cool, but i cant embed

fail, dont make it look more fun than the play equipment

its the fail rail

how do you know they didnt mean exactly that

ill pass, but i cant speak for everybody

the first step's a doosie (and only the first step, youll manage with the rest)

dali slide

douche!=double cheese

either that or burger=bag

im sure you mean to write rapist instead of raper


rasta surprise

ch9 greenscreen fail

wrestling: doing it wrong

taste the delicious pidgeon juice

drink in that beakly goodness

star trek doors from the 19th century

concept fail, thats not a pie

oh my god i dont know why im laughing so hard at this


Lost 2, in the back of a van

you know thos guitars that are like, lego guitars


any animal raised without hormones would be disgusting and would not be able to live or grow in the first place.

as if the pope would follow his own commandments