Monday, April 6, 2009

water found on mars

more "how?"

my question is "how?


...Biologists can’t figure out the reason for those berries to change their appearance in such manner.
biologists you say... im no biologist but it just looks like all the seeds have sprouted early. looks cool but.

fantastic, anybody remeber?

no congestion charge on this baby

wheres NOT(waldo)

hehe, seal clubbing (the peta way)

this tattoo is less likely to be regretted in old age

the kitty will always be a kitty

good one police

also like the fact that possessing the card is a felony, but using it is only a misdemeanor.

how many roads must a vulcan walk down, before you can call him a vulcan?

rhetorical eh?... 8.

Daniel Hannan - Your gonna go far

if only

new version of "find the pea under the cups" game

fishy, fishy, fishy fish

and it went where ever i did go...

fighter pilots beware of hats and nazis

are we taking about the same juice?

By Fusing him with the Juice we have made him twice as powerful... TWICE AS DEADLY!!