Thursday, May 7, 2009

i call this diesel punk

surely photoshop isnt smart enough to know this

Photographers Math

he he, I like this, and its a daily thing.

After a failed attempt at running for office, Sean Tevis is trying again, using an XKCD-style comic to inform the tech-savvy, of his intentions. I was apprehensive at first, but now, I like him.

Here is his site:

If you can, Vote for him!

Thats Highway Robbery! No, Seriously!

more ehehe

Now - Breakfast floss

Purchase Here:

monkey assisted

The Tactical Camera Assault Long Range Stock (TALCS)

Nice, check out the full article, and lots more pics here:

Know your (processed) food

Click the Link of a Video about how McDonald's Hamburger patties are made. Not for the faint hearted.

Favorite Line: "Then as a final step, before boxing, all the patties pass through a metal detector", Good to know... wait, WHAT?

How much Sugar is in things?


6 people with amazing abilities...

Of Use to Fucking NO ONE!!


Why People Cheat

not sure what statement this is trying to make

this is just a great photo

im gonna say vga, but maybe rs232

i dont know, just look at this thing, yeah

goat 1, gravity 0

Digital Warriors

This is pretty cool

collision avoidance system

see, Chemistry can be fun,,,

Oxygen from Christopher Hendryx on Vimeo.

oh shit, i want a lebansese supercar

click for more

special seating

beached as

sweet camry bro

that... would... be... sooooo... much fun

till you died...

wishful thinking

actualy kinda cool looking rims

like woo girls in a limo

exabit ethernet? hehe

wrestling federation and wildlife fund

go man go

when you use breaks like this, you go slower but you look faster

fiddle dee dee, potato

different kind of food baby

hehehe goths, hehe

sloths are funny

more aurora


anotov is still bigger than a380

Between Two Ferns with Natalie Portman

red wing-tip vortex


hehe, still fun to have a jab at bush

its like a cat having puppys or something
