Sunday, March 15, 2009

windows has anounced "windows 7 will be shit"

ok, so they didnt announce anything of the sort... but im thinking it pretty loudly

sweet ass canon tilt shift lense

trust the americans to think somebody needs to "invent" a way of shooting missiles backwards

and of course it was the australians who came to the table "ya just put it on backwards, kent"

more watchment shit: nobody cares

"ok, bloggy, no need to correct. we know you think everything is somehow important"

the "i didnt manage to spash myself in the crotch by accident before" toothbrush

the worlds geekiest surf board

broken shit looks cool

a $trillion visualised. aka sombody from zimbabwe going down the shops for a loaf of bread

japan is a freak

iFixIt notes that the functioning parts of the 3rd gen shuffle weigh only 10% more than a single sheet of letter-sized paper

sony a900 fosil proves creationists right*

*right = are fucking idiots

new ipod shuffle: for external use only

apparently google is using live updated images for google mars

ok, now even if that was possible and nasa has launched a fleet of satellites into orbit with mars without anybody noticing... how exactly is that useful???