Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Double Fail



Thanks Marcelo for the Link

Holographic disks are on the way


What appears magical, can be explained... WITH SCIENCE

click here for the full article.

Ah, Science, is there anything you can't explain? (rhetorical)

According to Time, the worlds most Influential person is Moot

that's right, Moot, the creator of 4chan.org

here is the article.


More Robos (Robot Hobo - not to be confused with Romo)

The latest Robot for Hobos - does the begging for you - SERIOUSLY!

Start Panicking

Web browsers are vulnerable. how vulnerable? this site will show you...


Who can I offend today?


Thanks Leon!

giving john edawrds a run for his money

runner up: biggest douche in the universe

fortuantely, people arent as blind in following google suggestions as they are with GPS

someone else with a worse name than me

Blood Pressure ad from Japan

Need I say more?


IBM are building a computer to compete on Jeopardy! Cool

Domain Name is now Setup

Ha ha!! going to http://www.thelatestblog.com now takes you... HERE!! Ha, we have our on Domain (hosted by blogger :P)

some very cool plane designs


this sounds like some kind of euphemism