Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In Honor of the J man

5 Minute Air Survival Pouch

It might not SEEM like a lot of extra time (particularly if your in a situation where you need it), but I think its a pretty cool concept

Mac Mini in an Apple ][ Disk Drive

SOOOO much better then Dice-ominoes

Chinese Bluegrass (Redgrass)

I ... I ... I don't quite know what to say about this

so you say we both look as stupid as you feel george

Stupider like a FOX!!

9 Weird Public Service Announcements

yeah, this one kinda speaks for itself

mars rover with a wet leg

Liquid droplets seem to form and move on the leg of the Phoenix Mars lander, as seen in images taken on days 8, 31, and 44 (seen above from left to right) of the craft's mission.

connex apologises for any delays

so true

weve made a few cutbacks

Emergency evacuation proceedure

everybody run around in circles, then die

apparently this one says: "DO NOT FEED THE ROBOTS"

sweet as bro

ok, now im going to be worrying about that all day

they could be anywhere...
lookout behind you

I have been wanting this shit for years

And it looks like I will have to wait a few more years

so many rules

Apple's command key (wrong style)


nuf said

Why is Zeus giving that boat the finger?

hehe, awesome

good to see theyre starting to make robots all 80s ish

racist signage

Prayerbooth instructions: dont be so stupid

not quite USB

in soviet russia, horse rides you

so something i would do

jimi hendrix's latest guitar

jimmy c needs one of these

scope for when you need to play guitar more accurately, or something

...this ones full of bones...

they should paint the windows of busses and trams like this

toilets in other countries are weird

beer, delivered to your door

Existing Service, No Sync

yeah... something a PERSON couldn't do. dickhead

If the extent of your powers is the ability to take out a billboard add then you can just fuck right off god, if that is your real name...

common sin tained zones: granny's house

Believeing this works is almost as dumb as believing in god

operator... how may i connect your call

the internet is made of string cheese

toke up on the tree

Now you know i want one of these

its a computer
1.2GHz, 512MB RAM