Sunday, April 12, 2009

OK, 1 last MS-Rant

Im not going to say anything about whether the sony laptop is better than the mac, infact a vio with linux would be pretty sweet. but do you have to pick actors who look so... freaky?

want... want...



i dont want posts calling me a mac fanboy and trying to sell MS products in the comments

so here (im sure you gays can all guess what im thinking about this sack of crap, i mean i am unbiased about this non-subjective... sack of crap):

gotta bash microsoft, they just deservie it so much

not that i have any doubt the hardware will be top notch, last time they just rebranded a toshiba player... however im sure theyll replace the software with something completely unusable

the guys at "Monster Cable" are arsetards

these are the guys theyre suing now:

they make transmissions for cars, i know i was confused and thought these guys sold shitty cables that are just as good as a coathanger but cost over a grand.

at least this way, once these dbags sue everyone with monster in the name, we can make the word monster synonymous with shittyfullness

i know these are basically useless...

especially when i already have an iphone, and old nano and a no brand sdcard player.

i dont want it to play music, i just want it cos it looks cool.

sony mayt be making a rc car controlled from the psp

if theres a camera in it that you can view through wifi on the psp, some of my friends and i will be super pissed we didnt patent that when we thought of it in the mid 90s... although, ill still want to buy one...

what do you get if you overclock the shit out of an old clamshell iBook (circa 1998)

DXG-125V: HD camcorder for less than $100

does 720p recording for under U$100

doing the opposite

For every great energy saving idea, there are a million retards doing shit like this:

apparently its becomming increasingly popular to fit airconditioning units to coffins in serbia...
why does so much of the world have to be so fucking dumb eh...

great idea

selling soap in repurposed (not recycled/reprocessed) drink bottles...

wont be seeing any coke bottles like this though... as we all know
"the coke bottle is a registered trademark of the cocacola corporation"

iceland is weird and awesome

this is apparently what their powerlines look like:

i want one...

i dont think this is supposed to be anything specific...

but damn it looks cool...

when pets look like their owners...

Amy Weinhouse's dog...

"...streets are uneven, when youre down..."

-people are strange

omg the world has been saved.

very important gadget news we all need to know:
new color changing snack bowl that can be controlled by your phone...

In case you didnt realise, i was being sarcastic.
this couldnt be more useless and wastefull unless it also had high powered lasers......

ok correction... with high powered lasers it would be awesome

volcano lightning

this is how boring life is in brisbane

reusing is better than recycling

when youre done with your disposable bus, try repurposing it as a handy bridge...
heres one i prepared earlier

pantone-esque coffee mug

able excuse

sub-urban camo


earplugs american style

warning to bikers

dont tailgate the paint van