Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Timelapse at Cinco De Mayo

Cinco De Mayo Carnival from Andrew Curtis on Vimeo.

keyless entry

well hanged

seth macfarlane is funny

the names have been changed to protect the innocent

its basically family guy

i was searching to see if there was realy a movie called "elvis vs godzilla"

there wast, but there is this...

Godzilla vs Mona Lisa (1983)

with and without flash

hehe, i think theyre cupcakes

mmm, delicious



they left out "because telstra's ordering system requires it"

thats more like it

not even remotely true

sanfrancisco + limos

#1 in the hood G

stupid little shit

Quimby the Mouse

Quimby The Mouse from This American Life on Vimeo.

dizzy yet?

i think i have a penny stuck in my butt

up up and away

Damn Trekkies are never happy

Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'

can i haz sum dignity

blast wave

first interracial, then interspecies, then whatever the fuck this guy is doing

some graffiti is better than others

nice photo, should be easy to replicate...


a big ass ute (no i wont say pickup truck)

classic (panda race)


softdrink waterfall

objects in mirror may appear more crashy

smashy smashy

bake while you bake

im sure youve all seen this before, but its genius

frozen cabbage

nobody expects the spanish inquisition

island communications

fun as


some smashed up hummers



terminator salvation spoiler

the cat did it

i say you he dead

good tattoo

the prequel


why M&Ms all taste the same