Tuesday, March 31, 2009

piiiigs... iiiin... spaaaace

first pig in space, from... guess where

the first space shuttle was not american

this moon landing is a hoax

how much energy goes into producing an american bumper bar...

amendment to "you sort of expect a russian ebook reader to just be made out of paper..."

I have recently learned that Russians are even more clever than i previously thought.
We have all heard the joke about the Russian/US space programs. The americans spent millions developing a pen that writes upside down for space and the russians used a pencil...

Well... apparently, they both started using pencils, but the tips break off and get into the computer resulting in badness...
To solve this NASA developed their million dollar pen that writes upside down.
The Russians realised in zero gravity, there is no upside down and just use a normal pen.


Ubiquity for Firefox

Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

This is an Awesome project, and I can't wait to see what they can come up with.


old advertising fail

too soon?

other brillianly unfortunate placements


have you seen kitty jesus

aka. LOLgods

can i haz prayerz?

macs are more expencive you say

exactly, hehehe... doh!

12 Geeky shoes


There was a Transformer shoe? I don't imagine it would be very comfortable...

DOS Games - Online

here is over 100 DOS games for you to play free online


Now, I need to get back to my game of Commander Keen!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Soundboard


Now you can sound Like Arnold when ever you want!

have you seen the new MS ad yet?

Redundant Clock

Love it!