Sunday, March 8, 2009

air-air cat combat

hehe, freeak

tour de france fail

6 personalities... all of equal historical significance

tow truck

graph of obviousness

"if you have a midget and its raining..."

holy crap, apparently now coke is cheaper than wine/beer in the uk

furries are people too

welll... theyre not realy, now are they. they don't even think they are

the jokes not that funny, i just like how it says "go!!!1"

shift key fail

its crack, its grat. it gets you really high

a woman is a lot like a fridge... 6ft tall, about 300 pounds, they make... ice


for real

australias full of some cool ass shit to look at

so frikkin cool

haha, dont you hate spoilers

remote remote

no caption necessary

no shit, eh (aka, i shit you not)

Amazon review that proves people are as dumb as i think (keep saying) they are

Richard Dawkins' The Ancestor's Tale fails to explain some facts:

1) Why heavy fish, like whales, don't just sink to the bottom of the ocean
2) Why most trees are so much taller than necessary
3) How non-biological animals, like crocodiles and ostriches, came into existence
4) Why sharks haven't grown legs, moved onto land and taken over the world
5) The existence of invisible species that remain undiscovered

Amazon customer review

more melbourne craig

fucking scientologists

can i haz some acidz?

can i haz... fuck it... yoink.

so true

sweet... ASUS eeeBoard

flash memory is now fast enough for the devil himself

Have you seen this man?

Last know location: Flying High!

Temperature-Sensitive Glass Tiles... are fully choice, or something... i want

$#^$ why does blogger keep stealing focus from the window im using... i dont love you blogger, fuck off

ok, this ones funny

this was in funny billboards from africa... NOT funny, it is very sad that billboards like this are or have been necessary

Mr. Stickers is innocent

whats that skip? aunt beula has moved overseas...



snakes on a plane



gotta go back to joburg... itd almost be worth it

red ninjas?

and thats not even how you spell "pooh"

the warnings here are less fun, but more real

i like this

today, in tshirts i wouldnt wear in public

a quote from zero punctuation

We all have something about us that makes us special...

unless we're 90% of the worlds population.

Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) in /home/elec-tron/functions/functions.php on line 73
Database error encountered

This script cannot continue, terminating.

ready about the new mac mini, im sure you guys dont want to hear about that...

you're excused jesus

-i think he likes stuff

this craig guy posting these around melbourne is pretty funny

found somewhere in melbourne (funny)

transparent concrete
