Sunday, March 1, 2009

plug it back in

... the tv, the tv

ok, thats just funny

train on platform 3 departing... never

transparent dolphin thingy

2 balls of GLUE... to be my friends!

And I wanna go Dancing NAKED!!

Salvador Dali's Leopard

try to make a roach out of this business card

clickety click

chances zack will be dead before theyre are 30 years to go


with a capital "SMOO"

giant church spire: $3.7m

collections taken from new attendees: $1.2m

tricking god into thinking you have a large penis: priceless

kite escape

delightfully pointless

so if theres no roof, why is the thing not full of ash

attack robo-lincoln, attack

you could fill that with booze (or even smoke) for later

more pixel art

you cant make this up

... well you can but i didnt...

just in: americans are shrinking

cartman voice: "sega dreamcast"

week of the week:

this weeks week of the week is last week

blackberries are much harder to use than apples

google: holy grail

soylent coffee

you put you keys in there man

benders mum