Thursday, July 9, 2009

"mild flavored sauce" you say


like a woman wearing to much makeup

or a man for that matter

great costume

checkst it out, its freakin sweet

Dispatch Work, Amsterdam

Jan Vormann answers the urgent appeal to repair Amsterdam!.. with LEGO blocks.

new rule: more screw drive

i wanted one... now i realy realy realy want one

i didnt realise the eee keyboard with the built in lcd, also has a built in computer, all 1.66GHz of it

ooo, 10W LEDs


this is why the message about the going away party was an mms

this is so great. aka at taste of you own MS medicine

TmaxSoft to release new OS "Window 9". will fuck microsoft in the ass because windows users are stupid an will buy Window 9 over Windows 7


domain fail

unusually, amusing lol cats

t-shirt accuracy

explanation of post "true dat"

when i saw it i did giggle a little because the address says "V4G1N4"

melting snow