Tuesday, July 14, 2009

a call to all students to find a bible quote that supports not doing their homework

its a wave, full of particles

thunder cougar falcon bird w/ wheels

eagle free edition

yeah, by cutting off her leg...

a good example of a general theme

low standards or extreme self confidence

guinn*ess w*rld r*ecords are a bunch of c*nt bags

failblog.org posted a fail regarding GWR website encouraging people to "break the record" of most people killed in a terrorist attack so they issued a cease and desist regarding the use of their logo and name .

wakka wakka, ouch my hand

"so why didint you buy a ticket before you got on the train?"

HA, more importantly, this means these an x86 emulator for iPhone

having rights is so 90s

although in aus, its futuristic

its a jello pudding shot

- y'see, the kids these days dont understand the jazz...

mercedes "fixed"

balcony accessory