Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Open Mindedness and Science

You should watch this.

1 comment:

  1. A very lucid argument - I agree with what he has said. Certainly evidence should be presented for any claim. If someone says they don't believe and by that they mean I am not convinced by the argument/evidence rather than it is impossible, I think that is completely rational.

    However, I would say that the scientific approach can be closed-minded if it is seen as the be-all and end-all i.e. anything that cannot be proven scientifically is simply dismissed until such time that it is scientifically provable. To me science is a tool and as such has a domain in which it is effective - the physical reality of this world. However, concepts such as God and the meta-physical are not bound by the rules of our physical reality (at least according to my understanding) so science is not an appropriate tool to use in trying to understand them.

    Also, evidence is not always something scientifically provable by experiment e.g. an eye-witness testimony is just an observation but it carries weight in a court of law.

    At the end of the day, any claim needs to be backed by rational evidence (not necessarily scientific). If the weight of that evidence is great enough (for them), the person will be convinced, if not they won't.

