Monday, May 31, 2010

city planner must have had his fingers on the edge of the ruler

For the last company picnic, management had decided that, due to liability issues, we could have alcohol, but only one (1) drink per person. I was fired for ordering the cups. That’s all I did… order the damn cups!

so convenient

yup, thats a mouse

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010


Shia LaBeouf, you suck

“When I saw the second movie, I wasn’t impressed with what we did,” LaBeouf said in an interview Thursday at the Cannes Film Festival.

On the second movie, “we got lost. We tried to get bigger. It’s what happens to sequels. It’s like, how do you top the first one? You’ve got to go bigger,” LaBeouf said. “Mike went so big that it became too big, and I think you lost the anchor of the movie. … You lost a bit of the relationships. Unless you have those relationships, then the movie doesn’t matter. Then it’s just a bunch of robots fighting each other.”

there need to be more movies that are just a bunch of robots fighting eachother

apples response

thats how you armor a train

Monday, May 10, 2010

HA, get it in writing


At what point did you think this was a good idea?

Seriously, at what point would you think "Hey, I am sure this will end well..."