Thursday, July 30, 2009

i drew a dick on his face, but he was still asleep...

pulling a boat full of boats with another boat

as you do

sucks to be you kid

post 2k

ok, so its really the 2000th post, but i work in an ISP (so 1k = 1000 not 1024). if i remember there'll be a real 2k post in 48...

love and kisses,
The Paste Master General

good idea: fixed the sprinkler

hahaha "this is how you sell wide angle lenses"

shatner reads palin

10 Great free PC Games

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

why you make sure your new camera doesnt have shutter lag


because youre an idiot who gets a tatoo of a comapany logo

graphic design prank

funny beggar or the day

i want to see the one with a sign that says "please do not ask for credit, as refusal often offends"

drunk driving only

not sure how youd convert that into horse power

fail: i suppose if you aim for ugly, you dont need to specify gender

although i would, ugly chicks are one thing, but ugly guys...

happy if statement

tastes like green

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009