Tuesday, March 31, 2009

piiiigs... iiiin... spaaaace

first pig in space, from... guess where

the first space shuttle was not american

this moon landing is a hoax

how much energy goes into producing an american bumper bar...

amendment to "you sort of expect a russian ebook reader to just be made out of paper..."

I have recently learned that Russians are even more clever than i previously thought.
We have all heard the joke about the Russian/US space programs. The americans spent millions developing a pen that writes upside down for space and the russians used a pencil...

Well... apparently, they both started using pencils, but the tips break off and get into the computer resulting in badness...
To solve this NASA developed their million dollar pen that writes upside down.
The Russians realised in zero gravity, there is no upside down and just use a normal pen.


Ubiquity for Firefox

Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

This is an Awesome project, and I can't wait to see what they can come up with.


old advertising fail

too soon?

other brillianly unfortunate placements


have you seen kitty jesus

aka. LOLgods

can i haz prayerz?

macs are more expencive you say

exactly, hehehe... doh!

12 Geeky shoes


There was a Transformer shoe? I don't imagine it would be very comfortable...

DOS Games - Online

here is over 100 DOS games for you to play free online


Now, I need to get back to my game of Commander Keen!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Soundboard


Now you can sound Like Arnold when ever you want!

have you seen the new MS ad yet?

Redundant Clock

Love it!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Macro Rainbow, Have You Ever Seen Anything More Pointless

Posted with LifeCast

How to use Bit Torrent Like a pro

Gizmodo has a good article on getting the most out of your torrent client


Asda Complaint

Yeah dude, I am sure plenty of people make that mistake!

The Door to Hell

This place in Uzbekistan is called by locals “The Door to Hell”. It is situated near the small town of Darvaz. The story of this place lasts already for 35 years. Once the geologists were drilling for gas. Then suddenly during the drilling they have found an underground cavern, it was so big that all the drilling site with all the equipment and camps got deep deep under the ground. None dared to go down there because the cavern was filled with gas. So they ignited it so that no poisonous gas could come out of the hole, and since then, it’s burning, already for 35 years without any pause. Nobody knows how many tons of excellent gas has been burned for all those years but it just seems to be infinite there.

Check out the link for more photos, and a video


Found Via 10 Geological Wonders you didn't know

thats not where that goes

Why Cartoonists don't go outside

Well Done David Blumenstein

so, WD. photos and songs are almost the same size, eh

car having an allergic reaction

doing it wrong

hard to believe but why would you make it up

crazy religious ducks

naming fail

russian traffic is as hillarious as russian everything else


Sunday, March 29, 2009

nobodys gonna want this but me

Timelapse Garden Video Camera

look kids, dali bench

jesus monopoly from russia apparently

sadly no edna-krabopoly

if you dont get this... oh dear, what a pity... nevermind.

they all exist

look out, dont hit the rainbow

USB cigarette

but when are they going to make a FireWire joint?

what to do when youre just not producing enough greenhouse gas

i gotta take more photos of bubbles in macro mode

remeber that group of islands they were going to build in dubai

they were meant to be shaped like the world map.
ether its not finished... or is a major Australia Fail

"Time for your medication disks"

why, i dont know... but tell me you dont want one...

Dear my boss,

pleas give me one of these for the office...

i said do it...

i still wanna get my hands on one of these

how embarrasment

russians make the coolest shit part #3754

observatories that wouldnt look out of place as "giant lasers" in a bond movie

hehe, probably fake

i want banjo hero

its diagrams like this that make it clear, idiots should buy iphones

Alfa Romeo 'Navjo' (Bertone) 1976

oink oink

i cant put my finger on it but this doesnt look as boring as most hyundais

holy shit, i want this citroen

bmw concept

once someone finds a replacement technology for the wheel